CUET Subject – History Unit V: Agrarian Relations The Ain-i-Akbari

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Posted by- Abhisek Dutta

CUET (Common University Entrance Entrance Test)

Subject – History

Unit V: Agrarian Relations The Ain-i-Akbari

1.       What was the basic unit of agricultural society during the Mughal period?

  Ans. Village

2.       Who authored the Ain-i-Akbari?

  Ans. Abul Fazl Illami

3.       Which term was not used to identify peasants?

  Ans. Amin

4.      What were the peasants which held their own lands and were residents of the village known as?

  Ans. Khud-kashta

5.       Who wrote the famous Babar Nama?

  Ans. Babur

6.      Ain-i-Akbari was written in which language?

  Ans. Persian

7.       The areas that received 40 inches of rainfall mainly produced which crop?

  Ans. Rice

8.      The third book of Ain-i-Akbari provides:

  Ans. Compendium of imperial regulations and a gazeteer of the empire

9.      Which ruler banned the usage of Tobacco under Mughal rule?

  Ans. Jahangir

10.   What does the term ‘do-fasla’ means?

  Ans. Growing 2 crops per year

11.    What is the meaning of the term ‘jins-i-kamil’?

  Ans. Perfect crops

12.    Which crop came from Africa and Spain?

  Ans. Maize

13.    Which was not a constituent of the village community?

  Ans. Artisans

14.   The term ‘Majur’ was used for whom during the Mughal period?

  Ans. Menial or agriculture labourer

15.    During the Mughal period, the term milkiyat denoted what?

        Ans. Personal property of zamindars

16.   The term pahi-kashta refers to whom?

  Ans. Non-resident cultivators

17.    Which refers to the village headman?

  Ans. Muqqadam

18.   Which was not the function of the Panchayat?

  Ans. To give judgements in matters of jati panchayat

19.   Which refers to jajmani system?

  Ans. Payment to artisans as daily allowance

20.  Which European traveller in the 17th century identified the function of Shroff in Indian villages?

  Ans. Jean Baptiste Tavernier

21.    Which one was termed as jangli?

  Ans. Forest dwellers

22.   Who said that “the jungles provided a good defence”?

  Ans. Babar

23.   Which was the peshkash from the forest dwellers to the king?

  Ans. Elephants

24.   Which reffered to an administrative subdivision of a Mughal  province

        Ans. Pargana

25.   Who composed the Bengali poem, Chandimangala which depicts the clearing of the forests to establish a kingdom?

  Ans. Mukundaram Chakrabarti

26.   Which kingdom declared capture of wild elephants as royal monopoly?

  Ans. Ahom Kings

27.   Which was referred to as diwan in the Mughal period?

  Ans. Supervisor of fiscal system

28.   Who was referred to as the revenue collector in the Mughal period?

  Ans. Amil-guzar

29.   The amount collected by the revenue collector in the Mughal state was known as:

  Ans. Hasil

30.  Which was not the land classified under Akbar?

  Ans. Kharbandi

31.    Which refers to the land which was annually cultivated for each crop in succession under the Akbar’s land classification system?

  Ans. Polaj

32.   Which European traveller gave an account about the way how silver travelled across the globe to reach India?

  Ans. Giovanni Careri

33.   When was the Ain-i-Akbari  got completed?

  Ans. 1598

34.   Ain-i-Akbari was a part of what?

  Ans. Akbar Nama

35.   The second book of Ain-i-Akbari called sipah-abadi concerns with what?

  Ans. Military and civil administration and the establishment of servants

36.   Which was a place of refuge for trouble makers?

  Ans. Mawas


37.   The book Ain-i-Akbari was made into how many books?

  Ans. 5

38.   Which author translated Ain-i-Akbari into English?

  Ans. Henry Blochmann

39.   Which metal was used to mint coin during the Mughal period?

  Ans. Silver







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