CUET History Unit 2: Political and Economic History: how Inscriptions tell a story Question Answer

Posted by- Abhisek Dutta (Assistant Teacher)


CUET (Common University Entrance Entrance Test)

Subject - History

Unit 2: Political and Economic History: how Inscriptions tell a story

1)   Ajatshatru was associated with which mahajanapada?

  Ans. Magadha

2)   Which was the capital of Magadha initially?

    Ans. Rajgir

3)   Which was not a political centre of the Mauryan Empire?

 Ans. Nalanda

4)   The Shakas ruled which part/region of the sub-continent/

  Ans. North-west

5)   Rulers of which dynasty adopted the title of ‘devaputra’?

  Ans. Kushanas

6)   Colossal statues of Kushana rulers have been discovered at which place?

  Ans. Mathura

7)   Prtayag Prashasti was composed for which ruler?

  Ans. Samudragupta

8)   Who composed the Prayag Prashasti?

 Ans. Harishena

9)   Prabhavatoi Gupta was the daughter of which ruler?

  Ans. Chandragupta II

 10)   Prabhavati Gupta was married to the ruler of which dynasty?

  Ans. Vakatakas

11)   Yaudheyas were associated with which region/area?

  Ans. Punjab

12)   Coins bearing the names and images of the rulers were issued for the first time by the rulers of which dynasty?

  Ans. Indo-Greeks

13)   Which ruling dynasty issued the largest number of gold coins?

  Ans. Kushanas

14)   Hiuen Tsang/Xuan Zang visited India during the reign of which ruler?

  Ans. Harshavardhana

15)   What was the capital of the Gandhara mahajanapada?

  Ans. Taxila

16)   What was the capital of the Kamboja mahajanapada?

  Ans. Poonch

17)   Ujjayini was the capital of which mahajanapada?

  Ans. Avanti

18)   Champa was the capital of which mahajanapada?

  Ans. Anga

 19)   Sravasti was the capital of which mahajanapada?

  Ans. Kosala

20)   What was the capital of the Malla mahajanapada?

  Ans. Kusinara

21)   Which was the most commonly used language in Ashokan inscriptions?

  Ans. Prakrit

22)   Megasthenes served as the Greek ambassador to the court of which ruler?

  Ans. Chandragupta Maurya

23)   Who propounded the social and political ideology of dhamma?

  Ans. Ashoka

24)   What was the capital of Saurasensa mahajanapada?

  Ans. Mathura

25)   Vaishali was the capital of which mahajanapada?

  Ans. Vajji

26)   What does ‘Silappadikaram’ refers to?

  Ans. Tamil epic

27)   Who wrote ‘Harshacharita’?

  Ans. Banabhatta

28)   Taxila was associated with which ruling dynasty?

  Ans. Kushanas

29)   What was the capital of the Cholas?

  Ans. Puhar

30)   Periplus of the Erythraean Sea was composed in which language?

  Ans. Greek

31)   Who published the book “Indian Epigraphy”?

  Ans. D.C. Sircar

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