Important Abbreviations for Competitive Examination

Important Abbreviations for Competitive Examination

ADF- Asian Development Fund

AERE- Atomic Energy Research Establishment

AFSPA- Armed Forces Special Power Act

AIIMS- All India Institute of Medical Sciences

APPLE- Ariane Passenger Payload Experiment

APEC- Asia-Pacific Economic Corporation

ASIAN- Association of Southeast Asian Nationals

ASI- Archaeology Survey of India

ATM- Automatic Teller Machine

BARC- Bhabha Atomic Research Center

BBC- British Broadcasting Corporation

BCTT- Banking Cash Transaction Tax

BCCI- Board for Control of Cricket in India

BIMSTEC- Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multisectoral Technical and Economic Corporationooperation

BMD- Ballistic Missile Defence System

BPO- Business Process Outsourcing

CAA- Civil Aviation Authority/ Citizenship Amendment Act

CABE- Central Advisory Board of Education

CAG- Comptroller and Auditor General

CAPES- Computer-Aided  Paperless Examination System

CBI- Central Bureau of Investigation

CECA- Comprehensive Economic Corporation Agreement

CFC- Chlorofluoro Carbon

CID- Criminal Investigation Department

CISF- Central Industrial Security Force

CITES- Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species 

COFEPOSA- Conservation of Foreign Exchange and Prevention of Smuggling Act

CRR- Cash Reserve Ratio

CISR- Council of Scientific and Industrial Research

DTH- Direct to Home (Broadcasting)

DVD- Digital Versatile Disk

ECG- Electro Cardiogram

ESCAP- Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the  Pacific

EVM- Electronic Voting Machine

FDI- Foreign Direct Investment

FBI- Federal Bureau of Investigation

FERA- Foreign Exchange Regulations Act

FICCI- Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry

FLAG- Fibre Optic Link Around the Globe

GAIN- Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition

GANDHI- Green Action for National Dandi Heritage Initiative

GATS- General Agreement on Trade in Services

GPS- Global Positioning System

HTML- Hypertext Markup Language

HTTP- Hypertext Transfer Protocol

IAAI- International Airport Authority of India

IBRD- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development

ICAR- International Council of Agricultural Research

ICMR- Indian Council of Medical Research

IDBI- Industrial Development Bank of India

INTERPOL- International Police Organisation

ISRO- Indian Space Research Organisation

LOC- Line of Control

MTCR- Missile Technology Control Regime

NABARD- National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development

NASA- National Aeronautics and Space Administration

NEERI- National Environment Engineering Research Institute

NCERT- National Council of Educational Research and Training

OPEC- Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

OSCE- Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe

RAF- Rapid Action Force

RTGS- Real Time Gross Settlement System

RTE- Right to Education

RTI- Right to Information

SAARC- South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation

SAIL- Steel Authority of India Limited

SEBI- Security and Exchange  Board of India

SIDBI- Small Industries Development Bank of India

SWIFT- Society for Worldwide Financial Telecommunications

TIN- Tax Identification Number

TRAI- Telecom Regulatory Authority of India

TRIPS- Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights

UNDP- United Nations Development Programme

UPS- Uninterrupted Power Supply

VPN- Virtual Private Network 

VSAT- Very Small Aperture Terminals 

WAP- Wireless Access for Virtual Enterprise

WFP- World Food Program

WFTU- World Federation of Trade Unions

WHO- World Health Organisation

WWW- World Wide Web

ZUPO- Zimbabwe United People Organisation

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