
Showing posts from June, 2022

CUET History Unit 2: Political and Economic History: how Inscriptions tell a story Question Answer

Posted by- Abhisek Dutta (Assistant Teacher) ©ABHISEK DUTTA CUET (Common University Entrance Entrance Test) Subject - History Unit 2: P olitical and Economic History: how Inscriptions tell a story 1)    Ajatshatru was associated with which mahajanapada?   Ans. Magadha 2)    Which was the capital of Magadha initially?     Ans. Rajgir 3)    Which was not a political centre of the Mauryan Empire?   Ans. Nalanda 4)    The Shakas ruled which part/region of the sub-continent/   Ans. North-west 5)    Rulers of which dynasty adopted the title of ‘devaputra’?   Ans. Kushanas 6)    Colossal statues of Kushana rulers have been discovered at which place?   Ans. Mathura 7)    Prtayag Prashasti was composed for which ruler?   Ans. Samudragupta 8)    Who composed the Prayag Prashasti?   Ans. Harishena 9)    Prabhavatoi Gupta was the daughter of which ruler?   Ans. Chandragupta II   10)    Prabhavati Gupta was married to the ruler of which dynasty?   Ans.

ভারতীয় ইতিহাসের ভৌগলিক উপাদান ও তার প্রভাব প্রশ্নোত্তর

  Posted by-Abhisek Dutta (Assistant Teacher) © ABHISEK DUTTA  ভারতীয় ইতিহাসের ভৌগলিক উপাদান ও তার প্রভাব। বিষয়- ইতিহাস   1. ভারতবর্ষকে নৃতত্ত্বের জাদুঘর কে আখ্যা দিয়েছেন? উঃ ভিনসেন্ট স্মিথ। 2. ভারতের প্রাচীনতম নাম কি ছিল? উঃ জম্বুদ্বীপ। 3. ভারত ভূখণ্ড কে হিন্দুস্তান আখ্যা দিয়েছেন? উঃ পারস্য সম্রাট দারায়ুস মতান্তরে আলেকজান্ডারের ভারত আক্রমণের সময় এদেশে আশা গ্রীকরা। 4. ভারতের উত্তর-পশ্চিম সীমান্তের তিনটি গিরিপথের নাম লেখ? উঃ ভারতের উত্তর-পশ্চিম সীমান্তের তিনটি গিরিপথের নাম হল খাইবার, বোলান ও গোমাল। 5. প্রাচীন ভারতীয় জাতিগোষ্ঠীকে প্রধানত কয়টি শ্রেণীতে বিভক্ত করা যায়? উঃ প্রাচীন ভারতীয় জনগোষ্ঠীকে প্রধানত চারটি শ্রেণীতে ভাগ করা যায়। এগুলি হল- আর্য, দ্রাবিড়, অষ্ট্রিক ও মঙ্গোলীয়। 6. কাদের নর্ডিক বলা হত? উঃ আর্যদের নর্ডিক বলা হত। 7. প্রাচীন ভারতের প্রথম ইতিহাসমূলক গ্রন্থ কোনটি? এটি কার লেখা? উঃ প্রাচীন ভারতের প্রথম ইতিহাসমূলক গ্রন্থ হল রাজতরঙ্গিনী এটি কোন ধরনের লেখা। এ গ্রন্থটি থেকে কাশ্মীরের ইতিহাস জানা যায়। 9. কে সর্বপ্রথম অশোকের শিলালিপির পাঠোদ্ধার করেছিলেন? উঃ ঐতিহাসিক জেমস

CUET HISTORY Unit-I (Common University Entrance Test) Unit 1: The story of The First Cities: Harappan Archaeology

  Posted By- Abhisek Dutta (Assistant Teacher) ©ABHISEK DUTTA CUET (Common University Entrance Test) Subject- History Unit 1: The story of The First Cities: Harappan Archaeology 1.     Great Bath is found at which Harappan site?      Ans. Mohenjodaro 2.     Which Indus Valley site was situated near the sources of shell?      Ans. Balakot 3.     Which site of Harappan civilization was situated near the source of lapis lazuli? Ans. Shortughai 4.     Which Harappan settlement was exclusively devoted to craft production? Ans. Chanhudaro 5.     Which Harappan site was a specialized Centre for making objects from shell? Ans. Nageshwar 6.     Terracotta models of plough have been found at which site in the Indus Valley Civilization? Ans. Banawali 7.     Which site of Indus Valley Civilization has produced the evidence of a ploughed field? Ans. Kalibagan 8.     Presence of strong and massive fortifications was observed in which site of the Harappan Civilizatio


Posted by- Abhisek Dutta (Assistant Teacher)  © ABHISEK DUTTA   THE LIME LIGHT OF ‘BUDDHIST EDUCATION' Abstract: Individual people who practice the Dhamma may overcome these conceptual distinctions and realize that the Buddha’s teaching is a method to see through dukkha [pain/suffering]. Nevertheless, Buddhism cannot be considered a scientific method – in the western use, or western sense of the word, because it comes from a completely different cultural background – with quite different suppositions. But when we consider Buddhism as a religion, it can be basically studied in two ways: from within, or from without. Non-historical religions, in the European sense, those not rooted in the European culture are traditionally studied from without – that is, scientifically, objectively – without any emotional or personal involvement. As Europeans started to become fascinated with the [East] about two or three centuries ago, the eastern cultures became objects of scientific investigation.

CUET (Common University Entrance Test) History Subject Syllabus

  CUET (Common University Entrance Test) Syllabus Subject-HISTORY Unit I: The Story of the First Cities Harappan Archaeology Broad overview: Early urban centres. Story of discovery: Harappan civilization.                                                                            Excerpt: Archaeological report on a major site. Discussion: how it has been utilized by archaeologists/ historians.   Unit II: Political and Economic History: How Inscriptions tell a story Broad overview: Political and economic history from the Mauryan to the Gupta period. Story of discovery: Inscriptions and the decipherment of the script. Shifts in the understanding of political and economic history. Excerpt: Asokan inscription and Gupta period land grant.   Discussion: Interpretation of inscriptions by historians.     Unit III: Social Histories using the Mahabharata Broad overview: Issues in social history, including caste, class, kinship and gender. Story of discovery: Transmi